The Crime

God bless the bureaucrats

The suits one step back

From the arc of the spotlight’s powerful sweep

God act like rebar

And steel the taupe backbones 

Of career bureaucrats; nourish them please. 

God put kind people

In the paths of the bureaucrats - 

A free cup of coffee when they least expect.

God grace the brains

Of our careful, brave bureaucrats

Keeping the wheels greased behind these rich idiots.

God grant mischievous

Hearts to the bureaucrats.

Make their hands quick like good tableside magic.

Give a good poker face

To our honest bureaucrats.

Help them lie straight in the eyes of The Boss. 

A shining brass guillotine 

Sits in the break room

A post-it note reads: prototype office chair.

The clever last bureaucrat

Remarks to The Boss,

“Yeah, it also reclines just pull that lever there.”