Welcome to the fam, Sunsp.t. Debut single, Heart of the World now streaming

Say hey to Sleepy Cat’s now **official** and beloved family member, Joe MacPhail aka Sunsp.t. You may already know Joe from his role as keyboard/synth zaddy on nearly every Sleepy release and far beyond. His broader credits as a keys phenom include The Mountain Goats, Abigail Dowd, Chatham Rabbits, Dreamroot and more. And just for fun, why not mention that he rips simultaneous keys and drums in The Oblations, his dizzying long time collaboration with guitarist and luthier Daniel Fields.

With Sunsp.t, Joe thrives in another multi-brained role as songwriter, all-instrumentalist, producer, mixer, and philosopher. Heart of the World, the first single from Sunsp.t’s forthcoming LP, tackles the blind and enduring gospel of change and the reality that civilization either keeps up or painfully falls apart. That heaviness is in sharp but welcome relief against the track’s punchy and lifted electronic groove.

Keep your ears peeled for new Sunsp.t tracks on the horizon and for now, stream Heart of the World everywhere. Full release notes and credits here.

Single artwork by Jason Blyskal (Night Owl Creations) & Gabe Anderson.

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